5 Ways to Improve Your Website Branding

You build a brand identity with more than just a name and a logo. Rather, branding is the whole STORY of who you are. Branding includes the LOOK, PURPOSE, and PERSONALITY of your business and it’s important that your branding stays consistent both online and offline. Studies show that branding results in more conversions because brand recognition increases client engagement.  Therefore, if your website is underperforming, improving your website branding could lead to increased conversions.

5 Ways to Improve Your Website Branding.

A brand identity includes five basic elements. For a more effective website, you should attempt to improve as many of these elements as possible.

#1 – Choose Visual Elements That Define Your Brand Identity

Logos are powerful branding elements. After all, why does a checkmark make you think of Nike? How is it that a lowercase ‘f’ can bring Facebook to mind?

A logo is the visual representation of a brand. Their impact is so strong that even a facsimile can cause us to make an association. To improve your website branding, you should design a logo that tells the story of your company. Why does Nike use the swoosh? To tell their story in visual form.

(source Nike)

“Davidson came up with the Nike Swoosh, a check mark shape that is fluid and indicates movement and speed. The image also resembles a wing and hinted at the brand name, Nike, named after the Greek goddess of victory.”

Your website should display your logo in a fixed header and the footer where people expect to find it. It should also appear as your favicon, graphics, and even in contact forms. Put it wherever it makes sense to do so. You want them to identify with it.

#2 – How Style Elements Set the Tone of Your Website

The second way you can improve your website’s branding involves your choice of styling. Do you use rounded curves? Are your colors representative of your industry? What does your font say about your credibility? For instance, one technical college recently changed their colors to steel grey and bright yellow. The grey represented the metal used in their metal fabrication shops and the yellow (while providing eye-catching appeal) denoted safety.

The fonts that you choose should match the tone you hope to convey. For instance, a lawyer would not use Comic Sans on their website. Instead, they would want something a bit more dignified so that they came across as credible to their clients. Whereas, a cupcake bakery might consider typography that came across as playful and fun.

#3- Laying Out Your Story

Remember that a website branding is not just the visual elements, it’s also the story you tell. And all good writers know that a good story has a hook at the beginning, a climactic middle, and an end with a satisfying resolution.

The layout of your story on your website should follow this same pattern.

The Hook

First impressions are important. Hook them with your primary message:

“We know what you are looking for, and we can help you get it.”

Your unique value proposition further defines what sets you apart from others. Remember, branding defines who you are and what makes you unique is a big part of that.

The Climax

They need you! Your service pages should give them the details of what you have to offer to meet their needs.  Spell out the benefits of your product or service. Then, make sure they know how to move even further along your path to final conversion.

The End

What is your goal? Are you looking for leads? Your website should include simple conversion forms and a clear call-to-action.

Remember, the whole user experience will define how a visitor thinks of your brand. It’s not just about the look, it’s also how they feel after engaging with you. Were they comfortable? Would they come back? Was it a pleasant experience?

#4 – Consistent Message and Tone

Your website’s content speaks directly to your visitors. What message are you hoping to convey? A lawyer would want to present a serious and professional tone whereas a dog groomer might adopt a more playful and less serious tone.

The content on your site is your ‘voice’ and it not only should it sound consistent, but it should also deliver a single message.

#5 – A Brand Identifier

Finally, let’s look at MailChimp…

or FireFox…

or the Jolly Green Giant.

Branded mascots often create a more identifiable brand identity than even a logo. The reason for this is because they become the principal characters in your brand’s story and people identify with characters. If you have a branded mascot, make sure to incorporate it into all areas of your website. Where a logo would look odd, a branded mascot often looks natural. For example, your mascot can highlight key pieces of content or draw attention to conversion forms.

A branded website should make it easy for your customers to identify you among the crowd of websites clamoring for their attention. Improve your website branding so that your brand is the one they ‘recognize’ and feel comfortable engaging with.

Thomas Digital Design can help you improve your website branding. To show you what we mean by branding your website, we have a Free Mock-Up Offer where in just one week, you can see how your website can better promote your brand identity. The best part is that you can see exactly what we offer, at no cost and with no future obligation.

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